Jonna and Henna and Juno kata


Kiva englanninkielinen juttu tytöistä elokuussa 2010 pidetystä Nordic Open Kata Tournamentista Helsingistä. Lehtijuttu on Nordisk katamagazin nimisestä norjalaisesta julkaisusta

The first pair to do the Ju-no-kata in the 2nd Nordic Open Kata Tournament, were the two brown-belts Jonna Marttila and Henna Ahola from Tikkurilan Judokat. They have both played Judo for years – since they were young  children, they say.

-We started practicing Ju-no kata together about 9 months ago, and this summer we have prac¬ticed a lot, they tell me in a break. They both are helping out with the filming of the katas in between participating, and have a busy day, it seems.

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